Why Should I Learn AWS
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Why should I learn AWS?

We all know about cloud computing, if not then first we need to know what is cloud computing. We can say cloud computing is a facility/feature through which we can access services as per need.

In daily routine we are using cloud services, for example, Google drive, one drive and many more. These all are cloud-based storage solutions which give us the facility to save our data on the internet.

Why We are Using AWS (Amazon Web Services)?

The simple answer is to save the space in our storage. We save our data into the cloud, cloud-based all feature. We can access any time anywhere through the internet that means we can use cloud services on all smart devices like a mobile, notebook, etc.

There are many organizations who provide us cloud base features. Like Amazon Web Services (AWS) Microsoft Azure, Alibaba Cloud, Google Cloud Platform, VMware IBM Cloud, etc.

One more thing we are using cloud services not only to solve our storage problem but also to provide services as per needs like Software tools, Deployment tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, different types of operating system software and many more things are provided by the cloud.

Job opportunities are very high in cloud services because nowadays many organizations are using cloud based services. IN cloud-based services we don’t need plan for IT infrastructure servers and other network configuration, which always takes up much of time in advance.

AWS Course

Why Should I Learn AWS ?

Again the simple answer is it is the need of the market, many organizations have already shifted their infrastructure on the cloud to use cloud features and many are about to switch their infrastructure into the cloud.  But here one question must arise why Should i learn AWS. When we have other options too. The answer is AWS is a leading company in cloud services for the last many years.

Benefits Of Taking Up The AWS Training

Amazon Web Services (AWS): Provide us a cloud web hosting platform that offers multiple functions like flexible, reliable, scalable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective solutions because you have to pay only for those services that you are using and there is no need to pay extra.

It is the first company that started to offer IT services to the market through web services, nowadays we are using these services as cloud computing Amazon.

AWS provides more benefits to its customers, to increase users to use cloud-based services. We can easily create an account on AWS. There are many services we can use.

One year subscription is free for the user. It provides helpful tutorial to learn how to work on AWS. There are a list of services that are provided by AWS


We can create multiple servers based on Linux windows and another operating system.

Machine learning:

we can build deploy Machine learning models, Analyze unstructured text deep learning, enable video camera, search and analyses images, powerful speech recognition.


We can manage scalable Storage services, manage file storage for virtual machine archive storage and backup services.


 We can manage Relational database services, manage fast simple cost-effective data warehousing

Migration and Transfer:

We can manage database migration services, migrate the on-premises server to AWS.


 We can manage the Hadoop framework manages search service, work with real-time streaming data, fast easy to use business analytics.

Networking & Content Delivery:

 We can create Isolate cloud resources, a dedicated network connection to AWS.

Security, Identity, & Compliance:

 Manage user access and encryption keys, Analyze application security, protect against malicious web traffic, provision manage and deploy SSL/TLS certificates.

Developer Tools:

Quickly build and deploy applications, build & test code, automate code deployment, analyze and debug your applications.

AWS Cost Management:

Visualize & explore your AWS cost & usage, set custom budgets & receive alerts, provide digital catalog where you can find, buy & deploy software.


We can Develop, test & deploy intelligent robotic.

Management & Governance:

Central governance & management across AWS accounts, Monitor Resources & applications, track user activity, resources inventory & changes, optimize performance & security.

Media Services:

Provide reliable, secure & flexible transport for live video, convert file based context for broadcast & multiscreen delivery, we can store & deliver video assets for live.

Game Development:

We can deploy & scale session-based multiplayer games.

Internet of Things:

We can connect, collect, preprocess, store, analyze and visualize data of IoT devices. Provide web services to build IoT applications. 

Business Applications:

Alexa for business provides tools to manage Alexa in your organization, secure email and calendaring service.

Customer Engagement:

Engage users via Email, SMS push & analytics, email sending & receiving services.

Application Integration:

Provide us Coordinate Distributed applications, workflow service for coordinating application components.


Provide tools for developing, building, testing & monitor mobile apps, can test Android ios  & web apps on real devices in the cloud.

AWS Training


Amazon services have become a requirement of the organization. Developing, designing and infrastructure all these facilities are shifting towards the cloud. So we must learn AWS Course in Gurgaon, Delhi NCR to stay update with the market demand.

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About the Author: admin

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May 23, 2019 8:23 pm

bhot acha likha h mam

May 23, 2019 8:31 pm

bhot acha likha h

May 23, 2019 8:43 pm

It’s a very simple language satisfied.

Sandeep Yadav
Sandeep Yadav
May 24, 2019 7:25 pm

Thanks Shivani,
For such a brilliantly explained description about AWS cloud services. This blog gives us a clear view about ‘the future of cloud services’. And also inspire us look our future in this field.

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