Microsoft Certification and Cisco Certification
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In today’s competitive aura, a professional certificate is required to make a perfect balance with the academic education. Almost every MNC looks for the individuals who own this perfect combination of having excellent academic qualification and computer proficiency. When it comes to achieving a professional certificate, the individuals are expected to undertake certain courses or training program from an authorized institute. Once the applicant goes through the course, he/she have to clear an exam after which they will be provided with a professional certificate. Let’s check Microsoft Certification and Cisco Certification

Most applicants, who are pursuing some or the other professional certification program often find themselves in a dilemma as to which course is best for them. Their confusion rose to the bar when they find heaps of popular certifications available. Also, many candidates are unaware as to which certifications will suit their skills and talent and how to make the best decision.

Among many, two certifications hold the major accolades; Microsoft Certification and Cisco Certification. Both the certifications are important in their respective niche, but candidates find it confusing to choose between these two.

To sort out the confusion, we have come up with an easy way to differentiate between the two. Just go through the below mentioned heads and make a wise decision.

Here are the heads:

For whom the certification is meant for?

Microsoft certification is meant for those applicants who want to try their luck in the IT sector, while the Cisco certification is best suited for those, who are interested in reaping their career in the networking area.

Types of certifications, they offer.

Candidates can take up the following courses under Microsoft Certifications. They are:

  • MCSA (Microsoft Certifies Solutions Associate)
  • MCSE (Microsoft Certified Systems engineer)
  • MCPD (Microsoft Certified Professional Developer)

Those who want to explore courses under Cisco Certifications may find the courses such as:

  • CCNA
  • CCNP routing & switching

The Advantages they offer.

Microsoft Certification will let you acquire experience to work on Microsoft Servers and Software. The name ‘Microsoft’ is enough to make a special impact on your resume.

Cisco Certification like CCNA certification had its own advantages. In terms of networking devices and IT infrastructure equipments, it’s a popular name. Its certification makes you experienced in IT networking which you can use in various IT brands.

Disadvantages, if any

Not every other company makes the use of Microsoft techniques. Also, you will remain limited with the knowledge of Microsoft software and techniques. On the other hand, Cisco certification is less tough and costly and calls for renewing after three years.

Difference in working technique

Microsoft servers call for an update on a weekly basis while the Cisco networking routers are updated on a six-month interval.

Number of courses offered

Microsoft offers a large variety of certification programs such as MCSA certification, much more than Cisco, whereas Cisco offers five levels of certification than Microsoft.

Level of difficulty

Compared to Cisco, Microsoft certification exams are easier. Applicants will find it hard to clear the Cisco Certification.

Bottom line

In the nutshell, you can come to the conclusion that both the Microsoft Certification and Cisco Certification are important. While the MCSA training focuses on server maintenance, the other is related with networking system. To make the best choice, you have to check out your preferences and interest and make the best decision for a rewarding career.

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