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Do you feel that taking the MS SQL certification will help you in rising high in today’s highly competitive market? Have you ever given a thought to take the MS SQL training despite you owed the experience in applying the tactics?

Well, the above questions are enough to make you give a second thought to what actually you are doing with your career. If you are experienced enough with the SQL Server, you need not to prove yourself to anyone.

But, what if, the situation is vice versa? What if you are a new entry to MS SQL and employers want to know your worth. What would you do then? Here, you can go with MS SQL training and certification.

For what MS SQL training and certification is designed?

MS SQL training is designed to improve the performance and productivity of the Database administrators and professionals through revisiting them, the basics and new capabilities of SQL Server.

Profoundly, the training program is made to expand the technical knowledge of the professionals that aid them in expanding their careers.

Though, several professionals are heading up for such certification or training programs, still many reluctant to move on, due to the ignorance of the true value of IT certifications in today’s job market. Though, the value is still unclear to many, but the benefits of MS SQL training can clear much of the doubted clouds.

Check out the benefits to reveal the value of MS SQL certification

After certifying as a MS SQL professional, one can stand ahead of the crowd in terms of career advancements and job prospects availability. Of course, a Microsoft certification holds great value in the IT industry and so as you can improve work efficiency and salary upscale.

Have a sound demonstration of your skills to employers

In terms of career benefits, you can upgrade your presentation with the MS SQL certification credentials written in your resume. This will add value to your professional approach and let the employers know about your superior knowledge on the SQL Server new functionalities. In reality, employers prefer hiring a skilled employee instead of a fresher. Your certification certainly helps you in being their first priority.

It helps in broadening your knowledge base

Of course, it does. It helps you in going through the technology platforms that often get a miss during a basic learning of MS SQL. With the certification, you learnt to apply the tactics of application development in coordination with SQL Server, which indirectly benefits you with a more responsible aptitude towards your profession. Employers believe in your attempt and this raises your confidence level.

What’s the future of the certification or training program?

Certification program offers you three valuable things: the ability to get access to your skill set, an exposure to the important features of Microsoft and a proof that you are dedicated towards achieving your career goal.

Also, it had been stated several times by Microsoft that hiring manager often looks for those who are certified. According to the stats, more than 50% of the hiring managers prefer professionally certified administrators. They believe that certified people are more dynamic that those who are not. Even some surveys had proven that though certification will not guarantee you to be in top 10 lists, but it assures you remain in top 20.

Owing to the job availability for MS SQL certified professionals, the coming year 2019 is getting ready to appoint somewhere around 20 lacs professionals in IT industry.

Seeing the benefits offered by the MS SQL Certification and the upcoming job prospects, one can gain the professional advantage by completing the training and certification through SSDN Technologies.

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About the Author: SSDN Technologies

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