Top Reasons To Learn Selenium
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The reason you have chosen this blog article to read is that you either want to start cruising career in the IT sector or you want to advance ahead to become an automation tester from being a manual tester. Whatever may be your reason, you have come to the right place as Selenium is the answer to all the reasons that have led you to this place. Now, you must be wondering what special or distinguishing feature does Selenium has that it has taken the world by storm and that the industry is looking for Selenium certified professionals in huge numbers.

You must also be thinking about how to start a career in testing as a fresher and whether Selenium is the right path to get started or not. If you storming your head with so many questions at the same time and struggling to get an appropriate answer, then worry not because in this blog we will be discussing about the most convincing reasons to learn Selenium, which are definitely going to make you learn this tool.

What is Selenium, Features and Advantage: Watch here

So our top 10 reasons to learn Selenium in today’s world are as follows, explained in detail to give you a thorough understanding of it:-

Top 10 Reasons to Learn Selenium here:

1. Selenium is an Open Source or Free Tool
2. Selenium has No Special OS / Browser or Hardware Demands
3. Selenium supports multiple programming languages
4. Availability of Frameworks
5. Selenium has a strong presence in the DevOps Lifecycle
6. Selenium can be easily integrated with other tools
7. Selenium has Parallel & Distributed Testing
8. Selenium has zero dependency on GUI based systems
9. Selenium has flexibility while designing test cases
10. Demand for Selenium Certified Testers

1. Selenium is an Open Source or Free Tool:

Being an open source tool means that Selenium can be used by anybody free of cost. The tool can be used by any type of organization to test their website or web application and with the help of Selenium WebDriver, independent programmers can even learn and practice automation testing.

Compared to Selenium, other similar testing tools are either licensed tools or their functionality is not as good as Selenium. For example, Test Complete, IBM’s RFT, HP’s QTP, Ranorexcase. Selenium is the clear winner in terms of features in comparison with other testing tools.   

2. Selenium has No Special OS / Browser or Hardware Demands

Another great advantage that Selenium offers is the user does not require any special OS or browser or hardware to run Selenium tool. A user neither require a system with 16GB RAM or high HDD nor a Mac OS or Windows OS or Linux OS. A user can test any website on any browser, be it Firefox, or Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer, or Safari or even Opera. Working with Selenium tool is as easy to use.

3. Selenium Supports Multiple Programming Languages:

The most important factor for any programmer to get into the Automation Testing world is that it supports multiple programming languages. Maximum tools are available in the market which requires the learners to be specialized in one particular programming language. The most common scripting languages being Java C#, VBScript, etc. which are required by various tools.

But in case of Selenium, even if its user is skilled in only one of these languages, he/she can start their career with any other language, such as PHP or Pearl or Python or Java etc.

4. Availability of Frameworks

Frameworks are very similar to templates, which allows the users to make slight modification to the code per their requirement for different conditions, instead of changing the whole code. The most popular frameworks are-

  • Data driven testing
  • Module driven testing
  • Hybrid testing
  • Keyword driven testing

5. Selenium has a Strong Presence in the DevOps Lifecycle

As most companies are now replacing Agile or Waterfall approaches with the DevOps approach, this has made Selenium an integral part of DevOps lifecycle.

6. Selenium can be Easily Integrated with other Tools

Selenium is compatible with other open source tools and can be easily integrated with them. Since most of the tools that are used in DevOps or otherwise are very useful and open source, those tools have a lot of users. And when these tools are integrated with Selenium, automation (Continuous testing in DevOps) can be achieved easily. Some of those other open source tools are JUnit, Jenkins, TestNG, Maven, AutoIT & Sikuli.

7. Selenium has Parallel & Distributed Testing

Selenium has a feature of executing multiple Selenium test cases on the same machine or on remote machines. By using Selenium Grid test cases are executed on remote machines. If a user performs parallel and distributed testing, he saves time to run tests, execute the tests in the same machine, or can execute the tests on web servers also.

If a user is not interested to set Selenium Grid in his system, then he can use online Selenium Grids, like LambdaTest which gives access to more than 2000 browser environments over which he can run his tests and actually automate cross-browser testing. In the industry, executing the tests quickly and efficiently is absolutely necessary, which is not possible with other tools. 

learn selenium course

8. Selenium has Zero Dependency on GUI Based Systems:

Because of Selenium’s zero dependency on GUI based systems, Selenium tests can be carried out on web servers and automation is achievable by scheduling it’s execution by integrating it with other tools. Zero dependency on GUI also results in drastic improvement in user’s machines.

9. Selenium has Flexibility while Designing Test Cases

A Selenium user have the flexibility of designing the test cases either using programming logic or by playback and record method. If a user does not have the requisite technical knowledge to script WebDriver code, he can use IDE to record his exporting and testing the programming logic to an equivalent programming language of his choice for executing it as a webDriver test. Most of the time users use Selenium WebDriver to write their logic using programming language 

10. Demand for Selenium Certified Testers

This reason does not require any explanation as we all know that Selenium tool is one of the most in demand auto-testing tool in the market with lot of recruiters searching for Certified Selenium testers. With consistent growth in use of Selenium, the demand for Selenium testers is also growing proportionately. The below attached graph will help you understand their demand and how much are they getting paid on an average.        



We this, we have reached the end of our blog article on top reasons to learn Selenium. We hope that these reasons were able to answer all your questions regarding Selenium and that it will surely make you undergo and learn Selenium Testing tool to become a master of automation testing. For more information on selenium training in gurgaon, contact SSDN Technologies now.

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