Tinder security vulnerability allowed hackers to access accounts
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Did you hear that? A newly published attack had shattered all the security guarantees; Tinder uses to offer to its users. Yes, a computer programmer recently updated that the Tinder App carries a vulnerability that allows the unwanted access into the Tinder account using the user’s phone number. Isn’t it something unacceptable?

How come we allow someone to peep in our privacy? In such an instance, our private chats and private information become susceptible. For such and related security breaches, original or say ethical hackers appears as the savior.

The organization where IT security is quite critical, ethical hacking plays an important role in powering up the exact protection and security against the potential hazards and thefts.

Modern day hacking is much advanced

Contrary to the early days hacking, wherein security breaches are limited to hack telephone calls or using simple commands to enter into any operating system; the modern day hackers are quite advanced.

Following the change in technology, hackers of today use their skill set to become rich within no time. They apply the tricks to hack any system just to empower their criminal acts which create buzz in the market and get them a bad name either.

After so many vulnerabilities associated with IT security system got revealed, ethical hackers acts as a savior from that big loss. These days, though hackers are claiming much part of the news for their wrong deeds, ethical hackers are making up their way through the advantages, they offer.

Ethical Hacking Training and Certification

These days, a large number of ethical hackers are making up good with the help of ethical hacking course. The course study will provide the learners with the sound information about the operating systems and networks.

During the training course, learners are provided with the knowledge over the mediums through which, they could be able to check out the flaws in the system and apply preventive measures. Those who follow the rules of hacking for good are termed as ethical or legal hackers; while the others are just apposite and proudly termed as ‘Black Hat hackers’.

You can also read: What is the importance of certified ethical hacking training?

Does ethical hacking training really work?

Of course, it does. The Certified ethical hacking training puts in a practical approach for the learners to make them well-accustomed into the penetration information system.

During the session, the learners are taught up with the use of the tools to protect the network system. Also, the professionals are guided with the ways through which they can take preventive actions to put a bar on the unauthorized access.

What does CEH training do?

A certification in ethical hacking will makes you capable for the post of ethical hackers, whose duty is to protect the organization network system from the illegal or malicious acts.

By taking a certification cum training program from ethical hacking institute Delhi, one can easily join the team of those decent and hard working people, who are working hard to make the IT world safe and free from vulnerabilities.

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About the Author: SSDN Technologies

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