test automation strategy
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Manually repeating tests become too costly and time-consuming. When created, the automated tests run over & over again at no extra expenditures. They are faster than a manual test.

The test automation strategy refers to the Framework for implementing the usable automated script and approach. The plan is put forward by the QA automation expert department. It also gives an outline of the overall plan for automation testing. It gives the attainment of ensuring a higher ROI, increased test reliability, more test coverage, and quality repetition. 


Strategy and planning become the fundamental building block of the software development life cycle. Fulfillment of business Expectations and customer satisfaction with no defects allows the achievement of high-quality software. Software project managers, as well as test managers, now deliver tested applications that will run quickly and efficiently. 

Sometimes there is a requirement of automating the regression test cases. This instance occurs when the manual execution of the same test, again and again, causes the tester to lose interest or create the vision of a tunnel. Maintaining guidelines for automation testing will yield better results. 

There are some things that you must consider while conducting the testing method. They are:-

  • TRUST: Trustworthiness of the test
  • COST: cost of building and maintaining these tests
  • SPEED: it ensures that the speed will run fast and deliver speedy results
  • RELIABILITY: ensures how factual the tests will be
  • TARGETED: this shows whether or not the test will move in the right direction

Testing Methods are quite varied for different testing levels. Some common ones are- Unit Testing, Component Testing, End-to-End Testing, Smoke Testing, and Integration Testing.

The steps to go ahead with building a good test automation strategy

#1. Scope of Test Automation

Before you start, you have to get a clear picture in the mind. You should have timelines and milestones set for every module of the project. It works for the automation perspective when it comes to a particular project. Each member should be available on the same page of the project like a stakeholder, project managers, consultants, developers, testers, and so on. 

#2. The approach of Test automation

It comes as a broader term for a definition. You can break it into parts like process, roles, and Technology. It involves information about the test that requires automation and the decision related to the test cases. In this path, you have to define the rules for designing and reviewing the cases for the test only. When you follow the approach, you will get a successful test automation plan.

#3. analysis of Risk

You have to estimate here the risks that are running.  In case the automation testing practice gives a positive result, it will give you information about what percentage that test will require and how much optimized it will become. In this way, you can stay one step ahead of the resulting unexpected disasters. You should always go with the consideration of conducting this step before starting the automation of the test.

#4. the environment of Test automation

You can go with the creation of the concrete pipeline to go through before you get the software up and ready for production. In this way, you can define the test automation environment. You have to get a clear understanding of the areas to store the data. You should also see to that whether it is available for reuse or not. You must check for the predictable and stable test environment. In case you have a particular project to go through the test automation, you should plan out the test cycles and prepare the cases of the test. Besides, there must be ready interfaces for conducting prediction of the testing time. In this way, you can rest assured that the test automation infrastructure will be easy for the users. It will also lead to the maintenance of run and consumption of the test results. 

#5. Execution plan

The execution plan works as the foundation of “bug-free” testing. All you have to do is to run individual test cases. You can do this before the processing of the regression test suite. This is the step that will ensure the plan is going in the right directions. It’s mandatory to avoid false outcomes and fail of tests.  

The execution plan should come inclusive of the day to day tasks and procedures. Tools like Bamboo or Jenkins help with the scheduling of the execution. Sometimes even the assistance of the QA Analyst to set up a test case will deliver faster feedback.

#6. Conducting the procedures of Review & analysis 

This step ensures filtering the test cases that usually consume more time. After that, go ahead with the analysis for optimization. You’ll have to then review the entire strategy for test automation and take feedback. You must take feedback from everyone like peers, and DevOps engineers. The major role of the DevOps engineers is to figure out and correct the things responsive for hindering the automation environment. Involvement of the QA team ensures acknowledgement of the bugs in test scripts. You should take into consideration every entity like analysis, results, and suggestions. 

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To conclude:

Success in test automation becomes a multifaceted and lengthy process. The definition of the goals and adoption of the right approach becomes the very first step in ensuring success. Then you can proceed towards the choice of the right people and through tools for making the automation test strategy. You should also conduct an appropriate test-based methodology. Testing at times become challenging. There is no flowchart that will dictate that test you should implement in the given situation. So, when you find the right time and practice to get it, you can get the combination of automation test that will run fast, allow refactoring, and conduct the behavior testing. It will also give you the targeted feedback for the generation of faster response times. For determining the Automation Testing Strategy, you should make an analysis of every situation and identify the challenges that are addressing the test. When you keep these practices in the mind, you will get the quality output.

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