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Singapore Largest Healthcare Group data breach

Again, a data breach and this time, it’s the health care department. Singapore’s largest healthcare group, SingHealth had recently suffered a massive data breach that had shattered all its security terminals. Hackers made an unethical entry into their system and stolen data of about 1.5 million patients, who made a visit to the SingHealth clinics between May to July, 2018.

Healthcare is one of the many departments that had faced such attack. Despite of several consolation statements provided by the cyber security experts, there still lies the risk which is hidden behind the walls.

Though, this is not a first cyber attack, isn’t there any way to identify and overcome such cyber attacks or unethical interventions made by the hackers? The risk is certain and with every passing day, the vulnerability to the modern business is rising. To put a control over the frequent attacks, it’s necessary to follow serious midway tips throughout the business operations.

Whether it’s the small business owners or large business groups, everyone needs to put security procedures in place to avoid the mishap caused by the hackers. To begin with, it’s necessary to:

Acknowledge the risks and pen down

Companies can secure their organizations from cyber attacks via having a full risk assessment of their security system. Throughout the checking, it’s evident to look out for the prospective risks associated with the system followed by a two-way authentication process. Through this way, maximum risk factors are noted, which helps in settling preventive measures, timely.

Keep an eye on both internal and external hazards.

It’s not that your system is the only one which fears of risks. Even the people employed in the organization suffer from the similar issue. Remember, an unscrupulous employee is more dangerous than the outsider hacker. Thus, organizations must not overlook both internal and external hazards and be readily aware of the threat.

Apply penetration testing

That’s the ultimate way to identify where your systems are under risk. An expert who had undertaken the CEH training will provide you the necessary support to do so. Such people are experienced in checking your IT systems and networks. With a deep analysis of your organization system, they can suggest you some preventive measures to put a bar on the unethical activities.

Impacts of threats are hard to avoid

The persons who have taken ethical hacking training are proficient enough in handling the complete scrutiny of the systems and networks. They can help you identify the breaches and their harmful effects on your business. Of course, every other breach leads to financial loss. Thus, follow the continual security check plan to analyze the effects of the threats followed with an instant response action.

Every now and then organizations have started acting smart in order to control the uncertainties caused by the hackers. Seeing this, security personnel are coming up with the necessary training accolades to provide best and reliable security support.  In this regard, CEH V10 training is playing a major role in preparing the professionals against those rising threats and hackers.

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About the Author: SSDN Technologies

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