Plagiarism Checking Tools
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Today, plagiarism is one of the leading problems for writers around the globe. This includes academic writers, students, professionals, people in SEO, marketers, businesses, etc. However, plagiarism checkers make it easy to find and eliminate duplicate content. Let’s know the Plagiarism Checking Tools.

However, finding a dependable plagiarism checker isn’t easy. So, let’s find out what an online plagiarism checker does, why it’s important to use them, and which 3 are the best.

What Is An Online Plagiarism Checking Tools?

Plagiarism finders are tools that help you detect if your content has been copied or not. They can be a great addition to your SEO strategy. There are two types of plagiarism finders – online and desktop software.

Online plagiarism detectors are great for those who want to check their work quickly and on the go. While desktop software is considered more powerful, it’s no more accurate than an online plagiarism checker. That’s one reason software is scarce, whereas online Plagiarism Checking Tools are quite famous.

An online plagiarism checker employs a few things to find duplicity, such as:

  • Checking online databases;
  • Scouring through search engines;
  • Looking for similarities in books, websites, etc.

These are some of the main purposes of an online plagiarism checker. It’s important to understand that a plagiarism checker’s primary ingredients include AI and its two main branches, ML (machine learning) and NLP (natural language processing).

These two AI elements allow it to scan the content efficiently and find duplicity within them.

Why Is It Important To Avoid Plagiarism/Copying?

Plagiarism is one of the most unethical practices in writing. It’s not only harmful to the writer but also to the affected. It ruins the credibility of the one who plagiarizes while denying credit to the original author. That’s why plagiarism is considered immoral in academia or the professional world.

This practice can cause a lot of damage to the writer. For instance, it can cause a student issues such as:

  • Bad grades;
  • Ruined reputation
  • Academic expulsion;
  • Revoked enrollment;
  • Declines dissertation, research, etc.

On the other hand, if a blogger or a website has plagiarism in their content, then it can cause them problems such as:

  • Lost credibility;
  • Lack of organic traffic;
  • Google’s penalty;
  • Lack of backlinks and trust in peers;
  • Ruined brand reputation.

Therefore, in either case, writing cannot afford to have any plagiarism type in it. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is unacceptable. That’s why every writer’s purpose and responsibility is to avoid plagiarism and focus on original content.

Therefore, they need to avoid it with the help of plagiarism checkers. And then rephrase the plagiarized text -so these humiliating factors in their respective lines could be avoided.

03 Best Online Plagiarism Checking Tools In 2022

A plagiarism checker is meant to make the task easy for a writer. In this section, we’ve picked tools that are free, offer an extensive word count, and allow the writer to efficiently find plagiarism in their text. So, here are our three picks:

1.   Plagiarism checker by Editpad

The domain name makes it apparent what the tool is all about. This outstanding plagiarism checker has become quite the favorite of writers around the globe, and for good reasons. The main reason behind that is how this tool looks and works. Check it out: Plagiarism checker


As you can see, the tool is a prime example of simplified brilliance. It doesn’t have any flashy options, adverts, or anything else that might cause your eyes to hurt. Besides that, it offers an intriguing array of options, such as:

  • Ability to scan 1000-words at a time;
  • Scanning the internet deeply for plagiarism;
  • Showing you the percentage of plagiarism;
  • Giving you the exact location of the primary source;
  • Allowing you to match the two contents (duplicated and original);
  • Checking 500-1000 words within 20-30 seconds;
  • Excluding URLs and sources to check additional plagiarism.

These factors make it one of the best plagiarism checkers available today. On our list, it’s the best plagiarism finder, as it’s not only simple but also highly effective. Besides that, it’s one tool that tells you exactly where plagiarism is in your content once you check plagiarism.

Then, it allows you to compare the two and gives you the source so that you can rewrite your content with confidence. These two factors make it one of the primary choices of writers and surely the best tool available on this list.

2.’s Plagiarism Checker’s plagiarism checker is yet another stellar option on this list. It’s a simple yet effective plagiarism checker that doesn’t leave much to debate about. It’s also one of the few tools that allow you to create an account to keep track of your scans.

Besides that, it has a very simple UI design, which only shows you the word count and a simple button to check plagiarism in your content. As for the word limit, it’s 1000-words per search. But, perhaps it’s the simplicity of this tool that makes it such an outstanding option for many.

If you look on the website, you’ll find that besides logging in and checking for plagiarism, there are no other options. This tool’s simple and sheer focus is to check your content for plagiarism, and it does so efficiently. That’s what makes it one of the best tools for either students or professionals.

3.   Prepostseo Plagiarism Checker

This plagiarism checker is one of the most suitable options for writers. It’s a simple tool containing many options and has enough to find duplicity in your content. Besides that, it’s easy on the eyes and offers a simple method of operation.


All you have to do is paste the content, and this plagiarism checker will do the rest. These factors make it our third pick and one of the best options to help you prevent copying.


These are the best tools that you can use in 2022. Not only are they simple, but they also offer extensive word counts. You can find many tools that claim the same,

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but none offer more than 200-words or the quality that equals the tools we’ve mentioned. So, use them to prevent copying of your content.

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