Learn About Java Programming Career and Popularity of Java
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Learn About Java Programming

When a situation comes where the programmer is going to run the entire world, surely Java programmers will get a center sit because they provide such a get contribution to the world beneficial. Do you have a dream of becoming a programmer? Well, you should learn Java instead of other programming languages. Do you wish to know the reasons to learn java programming? Continue reading! Before diving into the topic, have a small introduction about Java and ways to learn them.

Java Programming for Complete Beginners Step by Step

What is Java?
Why Learn Java Programming?
Invention of JAVA Programming
History of JAVA Programming
5 Reason Why should you learn Java?
6 Reason of Popularity of Java Programming
Know The Way to Learn Java Programming Language

What is Java?

Like C++, Java is the object-oriented programming language. Since its debut to the computer world, it is transforming the face of the IT sector and its relevant field. Java is utilized everywhere right from the web to mobile and electronic appliances to servers. Being the highly secure programming language so far, it sits at the heart of the most robust systems in the world. These things keep Java as the winner in the programming language world forever.

Why Learn Java Programming?

As we know that there is most commonly and general purpose using programming language are java. In today’s scenario there is almost 3 billion of people using java based application. Java is developed by James gosling with their team members to initiating a project and the project was to develop the set-top boxes for the interactive television which can set-up in a place and run on anywhere.

Invention of JAVA Programming

During 1991, James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Mike Sheridan developing a project using C++ programming but there were lots of problem occurring as they want to develop a software which is based on the WORA functionality which means Write Once Run Anywhere.

History of JAVA Programming

James Gosling Patrick Naughton and Mike Sheridan initiated to work on the project that was to develop the set-top boxes for the interactive television as well as they started to develop a new programming language having the more demandable and usable features and functionalities that should be in a software. So firstly that programming language is known as the Greentalk with the extension of .gt and 18 months it was again renamed as the OAK but again it comes under the copyright act and then whole team decide to give the unique name to this programming language, every person thought a unique name by themselves then James Gosling though a new name as JAVA and it is again came to known in 1995 as JAVA with .java extension.

5 Reason Why should you learn Java?

Are you thinking about the reason to get Java Training? Well, numerous reasons are there to why should learn Java but here are some of the important ones for you. It lets you know the importance and benefits of spending your time, money, and effort on learning something new and useful for your future in several ways. If you are eager to know those reasons, then scroll down your eyes.

(1) Job Opportunities in Java Programming

What is the major reason for learning? Of course, it is to get a highly paid job to settle down in the life. Currently, Java programmers with the sound knowledge are highly demanded in the market. Because of the large installed base, this widely utilized programming language still continues to create plenty of job opportunities in the IT industry. Alongside, the android application popularity brings more opportunities for the android developers who able to write native apps in the popular programming language, Java.

As we know that there are lots of programming existed during the implementation of the java programming but still java was more growing more acceptable and more well suited programming language in the term of software development and also software may be application software , distributed software as well as web-based software. If we see the ratio of using the java programming today’s IT world ratio is as in the below chart



(2) Availability of Huge Resources To Learn

Apart from being a mature programming language, tons of resources are out there online to learn Java. Thus, it acts as the best companion in the learning process. According to your needs, you can look for both paid and free learning resources to take help from. It helps you whenever you get a doubt. Additionally, take benefit of online forums to get an answer to your questions related to Java.

Learn Java in 6 weeks

(3) Easier To Learn

Of course, Java is easy to learn but many people wrongly assume that it is highly complex to learn and use. Having interest alongside putting some effort makes anything possible. Just like learning English, you can able to learn Java in a short time and it can be accessed to develop several applications. Ease of learning is actually based on the training institution you choose. Engaging with the institute, which has expertise faculty, modern lab facility, and other aspects will help you achieve a lot.

(4) Huge Community Support

Throughout the world, there are around 10million Java developers currently working. This is why the Java community continues to grow. Similar to open source technologies, Java also promotes the idea of giving back to the society. Plenty of online forums such as Stackoverflow are ready to work and help those newcomers in the industry. This means you can obtain the great community support to build your career in your dream field.

(5) Worldwide Usage

Java programming is the Omnipresent. You can witness Java on desktops, mobiles, large-scale applications, and much more because of its scalability and stability. The skilled and experienced Java professional has the entire globe to work because the demand is not limited to certain geography and field as well. Apart from the IT sector, it is widely used in several fields and its usage is increasing day-by-day because of its benefits. At the same time, it is gaining momentum in the popular arena of IoT (Internet of Things) that is the next budding technology.

6 Reason of Popularity of Java Programming

So there are some reason behind the popularity of java Programming and as a most commonly using programming language in the IT world and these reasons are the pillars of the JAVA programming language.



                1. OOP’s
                2. Platform Independent
                3. Robust
                4. Secure
                5. Distributed
                6. Performance

1. OOP’s

OOP’s means object oriented programming structure. It is a paradigm or methodology to develop software on the basis of the real world scenario. C, C++ programming follows the concept of the structural programming which is based on the function and the local variable and the global variables, but we need a programming to develop software on the basis of the objects.  There are some features of the Object Oriented Programming Structure as-

  • Class and objects
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism

 2. Platform Independent


In the above diagram the same source code is compiled in different-different machine and that source code is platform independent which is  able to run on any of the OS, but once we compiled the source code in one the OS then it produces the bytecode that bytecode is dependent for that particular machine. 

3. Secure



Java is secure programming language because there is JVM between user and the program in java programming, weather C/C++ program directly interacts with the user.

4. Robust

Java has automatic garbage collector which is responsible to release the memory of unwanted use wand also there is compiler and interpreter both in JVM to execute the java program so there is strong type checking in the java programming which means when source code is compiled on that time the variables type checking is done and after removing all the errors the program is run by the interpreter that’s why we can say that Java is robust programming language.

5. Distributed

Java is distributed programming language because it can write in one of the machine and can run in multiple platforms  so with this functionality which is known as the WORA we can implement the  Distributed application as Java is running on multiple Distributed application .Example-RMI (Remote Method Invocation).

6. Performance

Java is up to the mark in the term of performance just because it uses the Compiler and interpreter both at the same time to compile and interpret the program.

Benefits of Java Training

Apart from these, other reasons to learn Java are open source, rich & competent API, powerful development tools, and much more.

Know The Way to Learn Java Programming Language

When the important of Java is everywhere, it is extremely easy to get expertise over this evergreen programming language. Anyone can learn this language if he/she has enough interest to learn. You can learn Java through Java Course offered by the Java certification training institutes. Getting the certification is actually proof of your knowledge.

After seeing the significance of Java in the recent times, most of the organizations claim to offer Java related course and training. However, they actually failed to claim what they have said. Never trust on these claims. Simply choose the good training center, which renders Java certification course and training.


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About the Author: SSDN Technologies

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April 16, 2019 3:05 pm

Thanks for sharing. it is a very halpfull and informative.

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