Google Penguin Algorithm
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Google algorithm updates are meant to create new rules for websites and SEO techniques. Every time a new update is released, it tends to create a buzz among SEO professionals. Sometimes the update is in favor, but many times it appears to create problems for those who use manipulative practices to achieve high rankings in the Google search engines. One such update, among many, had massive effects on many websites when it was released. It was initially released under the name “webspam” algorithm, which later took the name “Penguin”. Let’s check here about google penguin algorithm

What is the Google Penguin algorithm update?

The Penguin update was announced by Google in 2012 to reward high quality websites and to deteriorate the rankings of those websites that are involved in manipulative link schemes and keyword stuffing. When this update was launched initially, it had an impact of 3.1% of English language queries. Though this new algorithm has gone through several new updates, in the end, i.e., today, it holds a special place in Google’s core algorithm team.

What is the need for the Google Penguin Algorithm?

Google started a war against low-quality content and websites with its previous algorithm, Panda. Despite being much more effective, there remains a lot of spam. Thus, Google thought to bring in a new and updated version, or extension, to the Panda algorithm. This was the Google Penguin algorithm update.

Basically, the objective of the algorithm was to gain control over the number of black-hat SEO techniques and reduce them to the maximum extent possible. Penguin works by rewarding websites that are natural, authoritative, and use relevant links, while penalizing those that use manipulative or spammy links.

Penguin’s main focus is on incoming links on a site. It does not care about outgoing links.

When did the Google Penguin algorithm update take place?

Initially, the Penguin update was rolled out in April 2012. It was termed by experts as Penguin 1.0. After one year, in May 2013, the second Penguin 2.0 update took place, with some more interventions.

In October 2014, Google carried out the Penguin 3.0 update manually.

After gaining so much experience of being updated, the Penguin algorithm finally got the chance to stay in place as Google’s core algorithm in 2016 with the fourth update. Since then, Penguin has been updating automatically without any manual work.

What are the triggers of the Penguin algorithm update?

The Penguin algorithm update targets two types of practices: link schemes and keyword stuffing.

So-called low-quality or unrelated backlinks create an artificial picture of popularity that befools Google into processing high rankings. Many times, some companies use false methods to fill spammy comments with comments about their goodwill, such as being the best company in a particular area. Such comments do not have any relevancy related to the website but ultimately give an artificial high ranking on Google search engines.

Ranks are manipulated by inserting an increasing number of keywords into web pages. Such pages contain keywords in an unnecessary format that gives a hike in ranking over particular keyword searches.

What are the consequences faced by the web masters of algorithm adjustment?

Websites that do not follow the genuine webmaster guidelines of Google are often affected by the Penguin algorithm. When Penguin launched, it clearly devalued the entire domain in which webspam is found. As a result, the site got an exit from the index. Now, after so many updates to the Penguin algorithm, there is a slight change in the penalty.

Now, the Penguin update penalizes websites on a per URL basis. It leads to a loss in the ranking for individual subpages. With the effect of continuous updates faced by the Penguin algorithm, the punishment on the culprit websites keeps on shifting from one point to another.

If you look at the most severe part of the consequences, you will find that the sufferer is the SEO world. Previously, SEO focused only on link building and receiving backlinks. Nowadays, SEO has turned towards creating high quality content to increase voluntary linking to the website. Also, social media attendance is keeping its pace and creating more chances for link building with a large part of the world.

How to find out that you have been hit by a penguin?

Look, there is a difference between a penguin penalty and a manual penalty. Penguin works as a Google index filter that applies to all websites, while a manual penalty is applicable to a single website that sounds spammy. Google keeps an eye on such websites, which are largely claimed by users as spam. Thus, Google penalized them manually.

Web analytics can tell you whether or not you’ve been hit by Penguin. Once you find it, then you have to be attentive to the keyword optimization and linking practices to make your site safe from Penguin-type updates.

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How to play it safe with the Penguin algorithm update?

You do not need to file a reconsideration request with Google if you have been hit with the Penguin penalty. This had to be done only with a manual penalty. As a remedial action, you only have to follow some recovery steps that will let you earn the forgiveness badge once the Google bot comes again to your website. These recovery steps are:

  • Removal of all unnatural links, including those you created yourself or those you requested from third parties.
  • Focus on creating high-quality content and sharing it for quality backlinks.
  • Keep a regular check on the backlink profile to avoid any undesirable links.
  • Avoid any poor-quality links that can harm your reputation.
  • Revise the website with proper keyword optimization, ensuring that keywords are placed properly without any repetition or without any logic.

The best way to play it safe with your website is to focus on creating positive and quality backlinks. You can initiate quality content writing that appeals to users. You can join sites with members who have a similar interest or profile as your site.

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Penguin was created to prevent those spam backlinks or false interpretations of Google over keyword stuffing. To avoid having your website devalued by Google, you should use quality content and genuine link-building practices.

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