google panda algorithm
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There were times when content farms were quite prominent. In 2010, the Google search results were continually falling, and content farms were the main subject that caused such a big fall. This is where Google finds the urge to create an algorithm update that will help in clearing out that “not so good” content from the index. All this led to the creation of Google Panda Algorithm

What is Google Panda Algorithm ?

Google Panda is the algorithm update that is designed to reduce the rankings for those low-quality sites that give low-value to users, either by copying other websites’ content or by putting in content that is not very useful. Apart from punishing the low-quality sites, the Panda update is meant to provide better rankings to the high-quality sites, including the ones that carry original content and well-researched reports and data.

When Panda was initially rolled out in 2011, it affected 12% of English-language search results. Panda has received approximately 28 updates since then. These updates were rolled out between the years 2011 and 2015.

What are the triggers of Panda?

In the Google search engine ranking process, there are several problems. As soon as Panda launched, it pointed out the following things that are easily taken as targets:

Thin content

Many websites make this mistake of using content of very thin quality. They often use a few words or sentences to explain something, and that too, with lots of mistakes. Such content that does not provide a valuable user experience falls under the category of targeted content by Panda.

Duplicate content

If there is a high volume of duplicate content, i.e., several pages have similar kinds of content or some pages look like they were copied from other websites, it is a sign of search engine manipulation. Previously, domains did such things to increase their ranking for a particular keyword. They usually try to use duplicate content with similar keywords just to boost the ranking. However, after the release of Panda, it’s important to give this practice a second thought.

Low-quality content

Pages that lack in-depth research and provide no value or less value to the readers.

Lack of trustworthiness

In this case, such content is penalized because it relies on content from unspecified and shady sources. Websites should work to maintain customer trustworthiness, with the goal of creating a platform where users feel safe sharing confidential information.

Content farming

Content farming is the practice of collecting a large number of low-quality webpages from other websites. Like a website that had collected several writers to write articles on a particular niche and created loads of content for the website without even noticing the quality and user-experience.

Low-quality user-generated content

There are websites that produce low-quality content. It is created, making it purposeful for the user, but it is full of spelling and grammatical errors.

High on paid advertising

Instead of creating original content, it turned into a paid advertising portal.

Low-quality content carries affiliate links

the domain carries low-quality content that moves around paid affiliate programs.

Websites that are blocked by users

low quality websites that contain poor content are blocked by users, either in search engine results or through the Chrome browser extension.

Content mismatch search query

Pages that promise something but fail to show the same thing. For example, if a page shows great discounts on products, but when someone visits, there is no discount available. Such things create disappointment.

How does Panda work?

For a user, it’s easy to determine whether a particular domain or website is worthwhile or not. But for a search engine, this process is a little tricky. Because of the large number of websites and great web sources, it’s hard to click on the low-quality websites and kick them out. For this, the Google Panda algorithm was created and launched with certain questions that give Google alarming signals about the low quality of content.

Such signals keep on updating and use different metrics to determine a website’s value to the user. That’s how Google Panda takes out the good content and removes or bars the low-quality websites from ruling the search engine results.

It’s not that Panda applies a penalty to the whole website. Rather than devaluing the domain as spam, it demotes the web pages wherein low-quality content is used and lowers its rank in SERP position.

The Panda algorithm might show good ranking to the website for certain highly relevant queries, but it will not show ranking to the website or web pages that do not value the user’s benefit.

How do you know that you have been hit by a panda?

Because of a potential Panda penalization, your website’s ranking on SERP results will drop suddenly. However, you should figure out the web analytics to know the actual reason behind such an immediate fall in your ranking. You can look at the possible correction methods to change the effect of the update till the next roll out.

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How can I keep the Panda update from updating my website?

It’s very simple to prevent the website or domain from having a Panda penalty or negative impact. The best way is to follow the SEO rules properly and in accordance with the demands of the Google algorithm. In order to rank higher in search engines, you should focus on creating high-quality, unique content rather than engaging in unethical practices.

You can use the following things to prevent the attack of the Panda update on your website:

  • Use genuine and trustworthy information: Make sure to use information that is genuine, unique and provides value to the user. If you showcase something apart from your promise, it will degrade your website value and reduce visibility as well.
  • User reviews matter. If you are selling some kind of product or service, then you must have reviews about the same. If your users are giving you some kind of rating, Google will analyze the sources and also the truth behind it.
  • Create quality content: A website that provides its users with useful information and responsible content is always rewarded with increased visibility in search engines.

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The Google Panda algorithm has created different scenarios wherein a website or domain can be penalized. To prevent them, one should be genuine in their SEO practices.

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