examples of artificial intelligence
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There are times when we have everything around us but we notice their presence only at the time of need. This instance matches well with artificial intelligence. Have you ever experienced that auto-correct option when you misspell something while typing on your phone? Well, that’s AI. Lets check here The Most Helpful Examples of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is all around us. In almost everything, it makes our lives easier and better. But how is it doing it? How is it impacting our everyday lives? There are certain examples of AI that indicate its importance in our daily life. But, before listing those examples of artificial intelligence, let’s understand what AI is.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence is defined as the method by which a computer acts on the basis of statistical data and its analysis and shows behavioral patterns based on the user’s data algorithms. AI is an automated process wherein AI machines follow behavioral patterns and adapt to the responses matching those behaviors or activities.

AI is the summation of technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. These three, when combined, create an AI that is used in almost everything around us.

Machine learning is defined as the process through which machines learn how to respond to data sets and feedback taken from algorithms. Deep learning turns around representation and not any sort of structured data, and natural language processing is the tool that allows the machines to read and interpret human language. In short, AI gets formed when these three are used in the proper sequence or combination.

You also learn here about Artificial Intelligence Tutorial for Beginners

Helpful Examples of Artificial Intelligence

Now that you understand what AI is and how it works, let’s find some of the examples that prove the existence of AI in our daily lives.

On Maps and Navigation
In Facial Detection and Recognition
Auto-Correcting the Types of Errors
For Search and Recommendation Algorithms
In Chatbots
Digital Assistants
Social Media
For E-payments

On Maps and Navigation

In maps and navigation, AI is used. Previously, people used printed maps to go somewhere. Now, the scene is automated. You just have to type in the location where you want to go, and your phone will let you know the directions to the place. Previously, when GPS was used to give directions, now AI is used to give users a better experience. AI works here through machine learning, which has automated the process of searching for directions, keeping in mind things like road barriers, traffic, etc.

In Facial Detection and Recognition

You must have used face recognition to unlock your phone, or you have also used those filters to beautify your pictures while clicking them on your phone. All these things are examples of AI in our daily life. Face detection and face recognition features are incorporated into AI and are being widely used by users.

Auto-Correcting the Types of Errors

AI is based on machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing algorithms and uses them to correct the incorrect language used in word processors, texting apps, and other writing mediums. This is done by teaching the machines grammar just like the way students are taught at school.

For Search and Recommendation Algorithms

AI is also available in your searches and recommendations made by the apps you visited or the sites you explored. You might have noticed this while watching your favorite shows. The apps will automatically suggest more content for you to watch based on previous searches you’ve made. Whatever you search for, the data is stored and then analyzed using machine and deep learning. This data later creates more recommendations for you.

In Chatbots

Chatbots are the best example of the use of AI. Most companies that can’t afford to interact with their customers due to heavy schedules or costly affairs choose AI chatbots to ask questions, take and track orders and even process direct calls.

Digital Assistants

Have you ever asked Google Assistant to dial a number for you or open some sort of app for you? How did Google know what to do? Behind such a digital assistant lies NLP, ML, statistical analysis, and algorithm execution that make it easy for the assistant to know what you want and how.

Social Media

Most social media applications that you use daily in order to maintain a connection with society use AI. These applications use AI support to monitor the content and suggest connections and even target advertisements for the users.

For E-payments

Banks use AI support to facilitate their customers’ payment processes and serve them with simplified payment processes. With a click, you can now do a transaction with your bank and that too, without heading to your bank.

Artificial Intelligence Training in gurgaon

All the above and more examples showcase only one thing-the use of AI in our daily life. We are surrounded by AI. We are almost dependent on AI to the point that we can’t even think of living without it. Almost every part of our lives is touched by AI, and that shows its expanding nature and the great usability it offers.

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