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What is New in CEH v11 Training?

Recently, a hacking incident had created buzz in the cyber security market regarding the IoT device hacking. It was like this; hackers hack the control system of the IoT car device and made it capable to turn the steering wheel while the car is on the highway running at a speed of 70 km per hour.

Such incident is enough to raise a question on the IoT device security systems. In today’s modern era, wherein we are see the vibrant increase in devices which are being connected to the internet and are made to make human life easier, we are also facing the risk of unknown interventions which are creating vulnerabilities related to the security of such systems. So, what should we follow to put a bar on such interventions? Is there any specific lead to illustrate how we can be safe from the above mentioned hacking incident? Is there a way to mitigate such kind of risk?

Before moving on towards the answer to the above queries, let’s discuss what IoT device is and how risk is associated with its usage.

What is IoT device?

IoT devices are known to be devices that don’t involve any human intervention to function properly. They are the automatic kind of devices in which sensors perform the functions such as collecting, communication, analyzing and initializing the information. Though, these devices are meant to offer new ways of technology to the business to create more value, they tend to face greater risk too.

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IoT devices come with the inbuilt features that work on improving the lives and business to a greater extent, but they do come with security issues also. During the research conducted on the security features of such devices, it had been seen that these devices lack of full-proof security system that makes them vulnerable to get attacked by the black hat hackers.

Also, government offices or corporate are largely worried about this thing as they fear that hackers could easily exploit the IoT devices and steal the important data. To put a bar on such malicious activities, it becomes imperative to apply restrictive measures.

What EC council has to say?

As a savior to the above discrepancy, EC council had brought a major addition to its syllabus and added to the IoT (Internet of things) concept. This is done to make the learners attentive of how to apply the preventive measures to stop those malicious activities from harming the IoT devices.

Go for Certified Ethical Hacking Training

EC council had taken a major setback on the unwanted and illegal activities by including the IoT in ethical hacking training. It had added the IoT in the syllabus to make the learners acquainted with the preventive measures, through which any sort of malicious activities can be barred of.

Those who are looking forward to stop such security breaches and want to be a part of the cybersecurity team can take up the certified ethical hacking training course and understand the interplay between the IT infrastructure and security systems.

Those who find themselves curious about knowing the basis of such programmed devices and the solution behind such illegal activities, may find the ethical hacking course in delhi , quite useful for them.

As you can see, the IoT devices are continually gaining demand among the people and so as the demand for its complete security system is coming on part of the company. By taking up the course from the ethical hacking Institute in Delhi, you can apply hygiene cyber practices and safe the company’s IoT devices from cyber attacks.

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About the Author: SSDN Technologies

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