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Being one of the highly perused digital marketing career path, digital marketing has reached to a whole a new level in terms of job availability.  With the entry of World Wide Web aka Internet on the scene, the business world got revolutionized and headed to cross the traditional horizons of doing business. The employer and employee both found huge scope and benefitted mutually due to the vast opportunities. Digital marketing is a term used for an advertising and marketing the product and service with the help of Internet. SSDN Technologies, a premier digital marketing institute in Gurgaon offers Certified Digital Marketing Certification Course.

Why Digital Marketing is Very Dear to The Organizations

The organizations of all sizes and types over the world find digital marketing super-beneficial due some of the following striking attributes –

Quick response: It’s a real-time affair that is featured with quick response. We can interact with our targeted customer base, extend services so quickly.

Cost-adequacy: It costs less than the traditional method of marketing that is print media. Online marketing generally incurs less expenses and can cover huge customer base at a time.

Adaptability: Digital marketing suites for every marketing purpose. It’s adaptable to the new business conditions.

Convenience: Digital marketing suites all businesses. It’s convenient for all types of business environments. Organizations of all sizes and kinds can reap benefits from this new method.

Viability: This new innovative marketing method is viable in the sense that the marketing done today will be relevant on tomorrow.

Scope of Jobs in Digital Marketing in India

How India can stay apart from the digital revolution? The present scenario of Information Technology (IT) Development supports the huge scope of Jobs in the immediate future in India. It had been predicted by the authentic sources that in the year of 2017, India had to be witnessed 10 Lakh digital marketing jobs and we saw the more than this prediction in the last year. Hence digital marketing assures great scope for the digital marketer and the professionals in the associated fields.

What Numbers say About the Effectiveness of Digital Marketing?

Undoubtedly the digital marketing has proved very much effective for the organizations to market their product and services. If we stats we come to know the amazing facts –

  • More than 85% people search on the internet before they make actual purchase and here they come to know about various similar products and services which drastically effects the purchase
  • The world is connected through social media. More than 72% of people are active on social media platforms where products and services are effectively marketed
  • In the year of 2017, a day witnessed 800 crore queries on Google which implies the vastness of and scope.
  • More than 89% of users purchase products reading reviews.
  • The visual impact is more powerful which is shown by the fact that 84,801 videos on YouTube were viewed in 1 second

The world scenario of technological development ensures the growth in digital marketing. The Students and IT professionals can reap the benefits. SSDN Technologies, a leading digital marketing training institute provides Digital marketing certification course. Join SSDN Technologies to be a competent certified digital marketer.

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