Difference between Python and C
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Python and C are both popular programming languages that allow programmers and developers to write code quickly and easily. Both languages have taken a decade to become the polished languages that they are now. Languages are used by developers or programmers in similar or different ways, primarily to create applications. In the context of similarities, they hardly face each other, but when it comes to handling the differences, they do so with perfection. Before getting into the differences between Python and C, let’s find out some insights about both languages.

What is Python?

Python is the most popular programming language that is being preferred among developers and programmers due to the simplicity it offers. It is taken as both a high-level and object-oriented programming language that is capable of implementing solutions to complex problems. It is known among developers because of its simple syntax and execution. Also, it is considered a multi-paradigm programming language that supports imperative programming, functional programming, object-oriented programming, and procedural programming.

It differs from other languages in that it produces excellent results with minimal coding. For beginners in programming and for programming enthusiasts, this language is the best choice available.

Also learn about python language

What is C?

Since its inception, C has been the most preferred language among developers. It has ruled on the hearts of developers for decades, constantly providing solutions to a wide range of programming problems. This programming language is known for providing support for recursion in functions so that they can be used easily. C also supports the implementation of exclusive memory addressing using pointers.

C is the most prominent language for mid-level programming. It has the ability to handle both high-level and low-level operations. In many businesses, the C language is used as the critical one. It is used in Google’s speed-critical system. C is also extremely valuable and useful in companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, and VMware.

This language is known for providing users with access to memory, which makes it more efficient and easy foe learners to adapt to its libraries.

Difference Between Python and C

When it comes to locating the difference between Python and C, here are a few pointers that you can’t miss.


Python is a general-purpose and multi-paradigm programming language that can be interpreted. While C is considered a procedural programming language only, it can support multiple uses in several domains.


Python uses an interpreter to execute the code and run all the programs. On the other hand, C works by compiling the code first and then executing the program.

Variable declaration

With Python, there is no need to declare the variable type as it is one of the loosely-typed programming languages, whereas C calls for a compulsory disclosure of the variable declaration before it is used in the program.


The Python interpreter architecture is popular, and it responds in the form of stoppage of the program in case of any error. On the other hand, C compiles the entire program forcefully, despite the errors.

Built-in functions

Python works with a lot of built-in functions that are used to perform a wide variety of tasks, whereas C comes with a smaller number of functions compared to Python.

Pointer usage

Python does not believe in using any pointer to keep the language simple and make the users confused about memory. On the other hand, C offers complete support for using pointers, thereby focusing on giving exclusive access to memory addressing.

Garbage collection:

Python has an automated feature for performing garbage collection and handling other memory-related tasks, while C does not support any automatic garbage collection. It does not use any automated tools.

Rapid prototype:

Python is known for providing the developers with the necessary tools and options to get used in rapid prototyping. C has not been programmed with the ability to scale prototypes into production and effectively use them against pushing a product.

Multiple variables:

Python completely supports the use of multiple variables such as lists, dictionaries, sets, etc. as the data types, whereas C provides support only for the standard types such as int, float, char, etc.

External libraries:

Python has a huge collection of libraries to support programmers and developers. C, on the other hand, has a few libraries, but not nearly as many as Python.


Python developers start out with a handsome salary of around $125,000, whereas C developers are content with $95,000.

Python is considered a fast-developing language that is used for effective and fast development work. It is the most beginner-friendly language. C, on the other hand, is best suited to building OS architecture and in cases where some design applications or work related to processor-intensive tasks is required.

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Both the languages are known for offering great support system to the developers and programmers in their own capacity. The above differences do not imply that someone is better than the other. It’s just that, both have their own specialties.

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