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The very first ethical hacking certification was launched somewhere in 2002. It was the time, when not many people are aware about the threats; hackers can create to the organizations and the whole world. With the rise in the hacking activities, the cyber security industry also experiences a hike that had created the need of more advanced certified ethical hacking training and certifications.

Today, cyber security has risen as a profession. With the rise of vulnerabilities created by black hat hackers, it’s become evident to call in the skilled cyber professionals who own the highest level of skill and ability. For this, the EC council had raised the bar by updating the CEH certification to a new level. It had announced the most trusted and respected ethical hacking training program with some new features.

What is CEH-v11?

CEH v11 is the all new ethical hacking courses announced by the EC council with a view to provide the needed information security knowledge, a professional may need to put a bar in the suspected activities in the networking system.

With this newly version of the ethical hacking course, an information security professional will go through all the necessary tools and techniques required to think like a modern time hacker and better apply the defensive techniques to prevent future attacks.

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Throughout the certified ethical hacking training via new version-v11, you will be able to employ the hands-on training that had made you prepared to scan, test and hack the system. The training program is designed to make you secure the target systems by applying a systematic ethical hacking process.

Who all can take up the CEH-v11?

Professionals who are into system security services such as Ethical hackers, network administrators and engineers, auditors, general security personnel and system administrators are provided with the training benefits.

What all is included in the CEH-v11?

The EC council keeps on updating the ethical hacking course training version in order to meet up the growing demand of the cyber security industry and the employers. In response to the growing amount of threats that had caused recently, here comes the new training course for the professionals to make them unbeatable against the system attacks.

Here’s what all is included in the CEH-v11:

Module in IoT security: IoT is the newly emerged vector which is receiving a great amount of vulnerabilities and weaknesses these days. The new course of CEH v11 brings about the comprehensive guidelines that help in testing and deploying the IoT devices.

read more about: What is IoT

Advanced vulnerability assessment material: Ethical hacking course program’s new version lets the professionals have an access to the advanced vulnerability assessment material that provides the security personnel with the hacker’s tools and a guide on how to fix the vulnerabilities.

Specialized focus on cloud attacks, AI and machine learning: In the new version of CEH, specialized focus is kept on emerging vector attacks say on cloud technologies. Also, students are guided to work on AI and machine learning.

With the help of this advanced version of CEH, EC-council allows additional value to the learner’s credentials. To fulfill the purpose, SSDN Technologies being the premier ethical hacking institute in Delhi offer the complete coverage over the new CEH training course.

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