Businesses Benefit from Blogging
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Of all the existing digital marketing tools, blogging is one that can benefit every business in any industry. But not every company knows why or how they can make it work to their advantage. checkout here Top Ways of Businesses Benefit from Blogging

In a recent study of marketing pros, blogging ranked third amongst content marketing strategies for businesses. Businesses that use blogging for marketing see 13 times more ROI than businesses that don’t.
In case you don’t already have a blog for your business, Now is the right time to start one. If you have one that’s not performing, it may be because you’re not giving your blog the attention and focus it needs.

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Not sure how blogging can help your brand?

Keep reading to learn the seven ways that Businesses Benefit from Blogging.

1. Drive Traffic to Your Website

With well-written, SEO-optimized blog posts, you can increase your search rankings and drive more traffic to your site. You can do this with blogs posted on your own site as well as with guest blogs posted on other sites.

By guest posting on sites that get more traffic than yours, you can give your brand new exposure and steer traffic to your site in return.


With backlinks.

Sites that publish guest blog posts give you backlinks, which are links that steer traffic back to your own website. If someone finds interest in one of your guest posts and wants to learn more about your brand, they can click your backlink and land on your site. From there, they can see the products or services you provide and learn additional information.

The more traffic you can drive to your site, the easier it will be to build your audience.

2. Build Brand Awareness

The more visible you are online, the more people will become aware of your business or brand. Blog posts are an excellent way to let the world know who you are, what your brand stands for, and what products or services you have to offer.

Whether you sell clothing, repair plumbing, or share recipes, brand awareness is the key to making your Businesses Benefit from Blogging.

3. Attract New Customers

One of the biggest reasons businesses blog is to attract new followers and new customers who want to buy whatever they’re selling. Well-written posts can draw those customers in — as long as you write with your target audience in mind.

To bring in new customers, think about topics that would interest your audience and questions they’d want answers to. You can grow your audience by tailoring blog posts to answer a specific question or address a particular need.

One thing that makes blogging different from other forms of online marketing is that blog posts can live on your website forever. A post from two years ago can draw new attention and bring in new customers long after it was created or published.

Just be sure not to leave out-of-date information on your website. Review old posts from time to time and update them with new information if need be.

4. Conversion Leads to Customers

Every brand wants to attract a larger audience and obtain more social media followers. But the ultimate goal is to turn those readers into actual customers. Blogging can help you do that when you write posts that advertise the products or services you sell.

Blogging as a way of advertising can be extremely subtle.

For example, if you sell bedclothes, you may want to write an article on why it’s essential to get eight hours of sleep per night. In that post, you can recommend some products that can help people get a better night’s sleep, such as the sheets or pillows that your company sells.

5. Build Your Social Media Platforms

There are different types of blogs that businesses rely on to help build their brand. One of those is viral content.

Viral content refers to blog posts written to be shared over and over again. The more your audience shares your posts, the more exposure you can get on social media. The more exposure you have, the easier it is to attract more followers and customers over time.

A bigger presence on social media means more brand awareness, which means more customers. Blogging is but one link in the chain, but it’s a powerful one when you do it right.

6. Increase ROI

The less you spend on marketing and advertising, the more you can increase ROI. This is one reason why so many business marketers rely so heavily on promoting their brand through blogging.

If you can create your own blog posts, blogging can become your most cost-effective marketing tool. Researching effective topics, writing your own content, and optimizing your posts for SEO does take time. But it doesn’t have to cost you any money upfront or out of pocket.

Don’t have the time or ability to create compelling blogs yourself?

Freelance content writers and marketers are always available for hire on platforms such as Upwork and

7. Establish Authority in Your Niche

Another effective type of blog is the thought leadership blog. While viral blogs are short and entertaining, thought leadership blogs go more in-depth. They are longer posts that explain a specific subject matter related to your business.

For example, if you operate a clothing store, you could write a blog about how sustainability will affect the future of the fashion industry. If you run a tech business, you could write a blog about all the new ways companies use AI.

Blogging about topics that you can discuss in great detail can help you build authority. Authority helps to build trust. The more people trust you, the more likely they are to buy your products or services.

With well-written thought leadership blogs, you can become a go-to resource for information. This one marketing technique can position you as a leader and an authority figure in your industry.


Every Businesses Benefit from Blogging. If blogging isn’t already part of your content marketing strategy, you’re missing out on one of the most valuable tools that exist.

Blogging is one of the easiest and most effective ways to:

  • Make your brand
  • Drive traffic to your website
  • Increase ROI
  • Attract new customers
  • Convert leads into customers
  • Build your social media following
  • Establish authority in your nicheAnd if you’re not already blogging, just remember this:Your competitors are.

Author bio

Adam Marshall is a freelance writer who specializes in all things apartment organization, real estate, and college advice. He currently works with The Hartley at Blue Hill Park to help them with their online marketing. For More Information Visit SSDN Technologies

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