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Since AI’s complete existence, it has impacted almost every sector. If you look within the various industrial sectors, you will find that each and everyone has a tint of AI in its operations. When everybody is onto it, then why does education remain at bay? AI in education has brought about a grand transformation in the manner of delivering and receiving education.

Though it all started with the inclusion of simple automation done on administrative tasks, soon it took place to handle more complex functions of education like personalized learning, managing predictive analysis, and looking after intelligent tutoring. AI had given the education field a 90-degree turn, making it more customized, interactive, and effective for the users.

AI’s Role in Personalized Learning and Predictive Analysis

AI had been known for programming several tasks. From grading assignments to keeping track of students’ progress, AI can manage everything. Its capacity can manage all sorts of administrative tasks, so teachers or mentors get more time to enhance their teaching. Also, AI plays a crucial role in analyzing the data of the students to learn about any type of learning gap, after which they can easily customize their teaching schedule accordingly.

In addition to the above, AI is applying predictive analysis methods to education to predict students’ performance based on their past learning behavior. Such predictive analysis helps teachers program their teaching methods accordingly to generate better results.

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Is There a New Member in the AI World?

AI welcomes a new member to its community, which creates turmoil in the education sector. It’s the intelligent tutoring system that aims to employ such advanced algorithms that are designed to deliver personalized instruction to suit the learner’s unique demands and needs. If we compare the intelligent tutoring system with our traditional learning methods, it’s possible to find a huge feature gap between the duos. It had been said by experts that this new method is more adaptable, interactive, and destined to deliver an engaging learning experience to the learner.

How does This Intelligent Tutoring System Work?

Before you get into the working process of an intelligent tutoring system, you should know what an intelligent tutoring system is. ITS, i.e., Intelligent Tutoring Systems, are software applications based on AI that are designed to provide customized educational instruction to the learners. Such systems work by copying the personalized guidance poured in by a human tutor, thereby adjusting the content as per the learner’s needs, learning style, preferences, and weaknesses. They are said to be intelligent because they process everything in the blink of an eye.

Now, how do these ITS work? Actually, these systems generally operate using a combination of machine learning and cognitive modeling methods. Such technological innovations work along with the identification of every learner’s learning ability, after which they craft customized instruction that aligns well with his or her learning goals. The work process of ITS includes steps such as:

  • Collecting the data includes information about a student’s response time, accuracy, and the strategies used to solve particular problems.
  • Analyzing the data: here, machine learning algorithms are used to analyze the collected data in order to identify patterns and understand how possible improvements in a student’s performance can be made.
  • Working on creating the instruction: this will include crafting a suitable learning plan for the student in which real-time feedback is given to the student for a better and more prospective learning approach.

How is an Intelligent Tutoring System Enhancing the Education Sector?

With the advent of intelligent tutoring systems, the landscape of education has improved a lot. Now, learners and educators can both grab numerous opportunities that enhance their learning experience. When ITS, i.e., Intelligent Tutoring System, is applied, it results in the following:

Enhancing personalized learning:

ITS has the ability to be adaptable to one’s learning pace and style, thereby tailoring the educational content as per the needs of the learner. If a student is weak in a particular concept, ITS provides the student with extra learning material, resources, etc. to help him go through the things clearly and in an expressive manner.

Works on increasing students’ engagement:

intelligent tutoring systems are known for making learning engaging and interactive. This system tends to use gaming techniques, virtual reality, and other related tools and techniques to engage students and make learning enjoyable for them.

Results in improved outcomes:

the optimal use of intelligent tutoring systems leads to impeccable improvements in learning outcomes. This system adheres to providing the students with a personalized approach to learning, followed by engagement activities that make the students grasp the concepts in an effective way. Thus, results will surely be better than before.

Artificial intelligence Training in gurgaon

AI in education is constantly praising the learners’ effective learning methods. The intelligent tutoring system is the perfect example of the impact of AI in education, which leads to a personalized and enhanced learning experience for the learners.

What is Artificial Intelligence As A Service (AIaaS)?

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