Advanced Java Tutorial
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Advanced Java Tutorial: These days, IT professionals are looking for opportunities to gain knowledge of advanced features related to the Java language syntax and SDK. With this course, they can refine their skills. The advanced knowledge helps in building and compiling robust enterprise-grade applications.

The tutorial will let you know more about the advanced level of Java. Advanced java tutorial will take you through the advanced concepts of Java. So, read on to explore more. 

Advanced Java refers to everything beyond Core Java. The list vital point to it is the APIs in Java Enterprise Edition. This set is inclusive of the Web Services, Servlet programming, and, the Persistence API. It serves in the form of the Web & Enterprise application development platform. It is completely dependent upon the client & server architecture.

When you take the Advance Java course from SSDN Technologies, you can get interview guidance, study materials, as well as, Certificate of completion. It is always very helpful for people intending to become the “A Level” programmer.

Learn About Java Programming 

Importance of learning Advanced Java

Advance Java, I.e. Java Enterprise Edition abbreviated as JEE will give you the library for understanding the client-server architecture. It will help you further with web application development learning. Learning is important because you can’t grasp these modules in Core Java.

J2EE is yet another vital section that is platform Independent, as well as Java Centric environment. It will help in the development, building & deployment of the Web-based applications online. Services, APIs, and protocols, providing the necessary functionality fall under this category. All these entities are necessary for the development of multi-tiered, and web-based applications.

It will also give the opportunity of working with Web and Application Servers. Some of them are Apache Tomcat, Glassfish etc. It assists the learners in understanding the communication over the HTTP protocol.

frameworks like Spring, JSF, and Struts are the core component of Advanced java tutorial.  So, with it, you’ll get the opportunity of developing web as a secure transaction app for domains like Banking, Legal, Financial, E-Commerce, Healthcare, Inventory, to name a few. Core and advanced Java concepts will help in understanding the hot technologies. Some of them are Hadoop and Cloud services. 

So, now be ready to build a deeper understanding of Java Programming as well as Development. The course consists of 19 sections and 101 lectures. It takes 7h 51m total length of time. 

You’ll get the entire course available as a concise portion. The course is inclusive of Generic Programming, Sequential Collections, Associative Collections, Sorting And Searching Algorithms, Classic Data Structures, Database Programming With JDBC, Exception Handling, GUI Development With Swing, Network Programming, Advanced Java Input/output (NIO), Multithread Programming, Java Applets, Using Eclipse, Java Web Applications, Strings And StringBuilder Class, JavaBean Programming, Java Graphics, Regular Expressions, to name a few. 

Highlight on essential concepts of advanced Java:

  • JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity)
  • Java Servlets
  • JSP (Java Servlet Pages)

Advanced Java Tutorial: Introduction to JDBC

JDBC, the standard Java API is the API for the database-independent connectivity between the range of the Java programming language and databases. The application program interface works for encoding the access request statements available in the structured query language. 

After that, it passes to the program for the management of the database. This involves opening of the connection, creation of the SQL database, executing the queries in SQL, and then arriving at the output. Individuals can also use the JDBC API for accessing the tabular data stored in all the relational databases with the help of this API. You can save, delete, update, as well as fetch data from the databases. It is quite similar in its type to the open database connectivity provided by Microsoft. 

JDBC Architecture

The architecture of JDBC API comes supportive of both two-tier as well as three-tier processing models for the database. The layers are JDBC API for the management of application to JDBC manager connection. Again, the JDBC driver API is supportive of the JDBC manager to driver connection.

Common JDBC Components

The interfaces and classes are available in driver manager work for management of the list of database drivers. 

Driver Manager gives a recognition of the certain subprotocol under JDBC for establishing a database connection. 

The driver works as the Interface for handling the communications with the database server. It also helps in the abstraction of the details associated with Driver objects.

Connection works as the interface for methods required for connection to a database. 

Again, the connection object works as the representation of communication context. 

Steps to create a JDBC Application:

  • Importing the packages
  • Registering the JDBC driver
  • Opening a connection
  • Executing a query
  • Extraction of data from the result set
  • Cleaning up the environment

Introduction to Servlets

A servlet refers to a Java programming language class for extending the capabilities of servers responsible for hosting applications accessed request-response programming model. These servlets have the ability to respond to any request. They can help with the extension of the applications hosted by web servers.

Servlet Life Cycle

Servlet container using the javax.servlet.Servlet interface helps in the understanding of the Servlet object and management of it.

Stages of the Life Cycle of Servlet

  • Loading
  • Initializing
  • Request handling

Steps for creating the Servlet:

  • Creation of a directory structure
  • Creation of a Servlet
  • Compiling the Servlet
  • Adding mappings to web.xml file
  • Starting the server and deployment of the project
  • Accessing the servlet
  • Session Tracking

Java Server Pages:

JSP or Java Server Pages refers to the technology for the creation of web application similar to Servlet technology. So, basically, its purpose is to function as the extension to Servlet. It can provide more functionality like expression language and JSTL. It consists of HTML tags as well as ad JSP tags. It will favor better Maintenance over Servlet. Other features available are Expression Language, Custom Tags, etc.


By the end of the training course, you will gain deeper insight and understanding of Advanced Java Programming topics. With such learning, you’ll get in-depth concepts of your preferences. So, now start with the objective of learning Advanced java tutorial and develop expertise in the various sections of this course.

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